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Self-Publishing Authors

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Twisted red sparks

A love and crime fiction, setup in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, about ex-model and now house wife, Katherine Domingo whose popular business mogul husband, Michael Domingo cheats on her. He gets shot at his company's parking lot without the motive being clear on whether it was love gone sour or business gone wrong.
R 85,00 R 100,00


“Shukran” is die ware verhaal van ‘n kunsonderwyser se komiese stryd in ‘n Arabiese land waar hy vier jaar lank met ‘n groot geraas werksaam was. Die stories in hierdie boek handel oor menswees, persoonlike drome, kuns, onderwysprobleme, oorlewingstaktieke, kos en vreemde oorsese vriende wat die lewe met mag en mening inkleur.
R 187,00 R 220,00


‘n Aksiebelaaide roman met baie kinkels wat haarfyn uitgewerk is, relevant vir die huidige dwelmsituasie in Suid-Afrika.
R 170,00 R 200,00

Ons was daar: Sektor Een Zero

Die boek is A4 met 537 bladsye W/S, c. 1600 fotos, wat die stories van die SAW en SAP in Owambo en Kaokoveld vertel. Die noorde van Suidwes-AFrika was vir baie SA Weermag en SAP lede en hul families se tuiste tydens die bosoorlog. Dit gee persoonlike stories en fotos en kortliks iets van permanente eenhede wat daar was.
R 425,00 R 500,00

Pilot, prisoner, patriot

The book centres on the arrest, torture, imprisonment and trial of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force of Zimbabwe on false charges of treason committed against the new Government of Zimbabwe, headed by Robert Mugabe.
R 233,75 R 275,00

The South African music business

The SAMB is indispensable for everyone in or wanting to get into the SA music industries. Revised and updated, this edition: fine tunes financial considerations, legal issues and statistics; the digital music business; marketing opportunities; the many music business sectors; latest developments; and overlooked business vehicles & career options.
R 467,50 R 550,00

The Heights cemeteries

A register book of people buried in the Robert Heights / Voortrekkerhoogte / Thaba Tshwane cemeteries. Included is a short history of these cemeteries. The Heights old cemetery (1904 – 1963); The Heights new cemetery (1964 – 2004)
R 208,25 R 245,00


On 15 September 1856 Daniel Jacobus Erasmus registered the farm Zwartkop (356JR) in his name. On that same date he transferred his farm in three portions to F.E. Erasmus, R.E. Erasmus and K.E. Erasmus. On 28 September 1901 Mr. Dale Lace bought 2702 morgen of the abovementioned property which later became Valhalla.
R 153,00 R 180,00

South African mobile watch

SAMW – In the late 1950’s two Military units was established to assist in any national emergence or natural disasters. In the short period of the existence of these units, they assisted in a few such a requirements, which included suppressing uprising, building bridges, supplying water and transporting sheep.
R 136,00 R 160,00


The SA Army College building known as the Paratus building is the most historical Military building in Thaba Tshwane. Many soldiers’ attended courses in Paratus and it is estimated that over 1900 Military officers took part in the 78 SA Army Staff Duties Courses presented at the College.
R 323,00 R 380,00

Saturday's soldiers

We Dare. ‘Training and fight easy’ …was the motto of a group volunteer South Africans who felt the need to a specially trained group of soldiers. These soldiers were prepared to sacrifice their spare time to be able to serve their country without any regards for personal gain or safety.
R 136,00 R 160,00

The seven spirits of God

In the riveting classic on the Holy Spirit, Chris Oyakhilome unveils to you new depths of His power and operation in the life of the believer.
R 68,00 R 80,00