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Privacy notice

Last updated: September, 2018


Bala Kudu knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, we appreciate your trust and we will do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting Bala Kudu’s websites, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.


In general, you may visit Bala Kudu's website without revealing any personal information. There are times, however, when Bala Kudu or its partners may request personal information from you. 

By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us holding it and using it in terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not want us to have your information, you must not give it to us. If you do not want Bala Kudu to use your personal information as a basis for further contact with you or for any other purpose, you must inform us in writing.

The information we receive from customers or otherwise helps us personalize and continually improve your Bala Kudu experience and for such purposes as responding to your requests, customizing future shopping for you, improving our stores, and communicating with you. Here are the types of information we gather:

  • Information you give us 

We receive and store any information you enter on our Web site or give us in any other way in order to business with you. You provide most such information when you search, open an account, place an order, post a comment, participate in a contest or questionnaire or communicate with customer services. Such information may include your name, address, contact numbers, e-mail address and financial information like your credit card information.

Bala Kudu takes the utmost care to only do business with recognized and accredited institutions that follow adequate data protection principles, but we do not take responsibility or liability for the security provided by the credit card company or credit card transaction facilitation services and the information you provide to them.

  • Information from other sources

We receive and store information we receive from other sources, including updated delivery and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we use to correct our records; and credit history information from credit bureaus, which we use to help prevent and detect fraud and to offer certain credit or financial services to some customers.

You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of many of our features.

  • Automatic information: We receive and store certain types of information automatically whenever you interact with us or when your Web browser accesses Bala Kudu E-commerce Stores or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of Bala Kudu on other Web sites. 

Bala Kudu may use technology to gather information about your use of the website, including details of your operating system, browser version, domain name, and IP address (it tells us which server you are using, but does not identify you); purchase history, which we sometimes aggregate with similar information from other customers; the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) clickstream to, through, and from our Web site, including date and time; products you viewed or searched for. This may be used for marketing and other lawful purposes.

We may also use browser data such as cookies, Flash cookies, technical information and similar data for fraud prevention and other purposes. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages and page interaction information. 

  • Mobile: When you download or use apps created by Bala Kudu or our partners, we may receive information about your location and your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device. We may use this information to provide you with location-based services, such as advertising, search results, and other personalized content. Most mobile devices allow you to turn off location services and you should do so if you do not want us to locate you.

Do We Share The Information?

We acknowledge that the information we have about our customers is important to do our business properly, therefore we do not sell it to third parties. We will share your information only as described below:

  • Businesses under our control: We will share your information with our Affiliated Companies under Bala Kudu’s control that either are subject to this Privacy Policy or follow practices that are at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Policy.
  • Affiliated businesses: We work closely with affiliated businesses that we do not control, but have a relationship of trust with. We operate stores, provide services, or sell product lines jointly with these businesses. We will only share such information that is related to any transactions you do with such an affiliated business.
  • Third-party service providers: We sometimes employ service providers to perform certain functions on our behalf, which may include, but are not limited to, fulfilling orders, delivering packages, sending postal mail and e-mail, analysing data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. They have access to such personal information that they need to perform their functions, but are contractually bound not to use it for any other purpose.
  • Promotional offers: We might send offers to selected groups of Bala Kudu customers on behalf of another business, but we do not give such business your personal information. Please advise us f you do not want to receive such offers.
  • Business transfers: Should we dispose of our business or any part of it, our customer information would be one of the transferred business assets, but such transfer would remain subject to this Privacy Policy, unless you consent otherwise.
  • Legal protection: We will release personal information when we are required to do so by any Court of Law or Governmental Protection Agency. We will also exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction when we believe it to be appropriate. It might also be necessary to do so to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions and other agreements, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Bala Kudu, our users or others.
  • With your consent: When information about you are to be provided to third parties under circumstances other than those set out above, you will be notified and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.

Links to other websites?

Owners or information system administrators of third party websites that have links to the Bala Kudu website may collect personal information about you when you use these links. Bala Kudu does not control the collection or use of personal information by such third parties and this Privacy Policy does not apply to such third parties.