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Alternative belief systems

Alternative belief systems
3 Items in Grid 4 Items in Grid List

{Re}Finding Joy

Are you feeling a bit glum? Have you found yourself saying, 'Really? Another thing? Are you kidding me? Where has my JOY gone?' You are invited to join this expedition towards finding a deep JOY that has been elusive, or re-finding JOY that has been lost in the trenches of life. Birthed out of a season of lost JOY, Monika Zanardo shares why JOY matters, what it is, where it comes from and what God has to say about it. Nine JOY-busters are investigated, guiding principles are examined, and
R 314,01

101 Ways to Impact the World

Not everyone's role in global mission is going to involve a cross-cultural move, but it should always involve a cross-carrying sacrifice.
R 477,06

13 Drops of Blood

After consulting the grimoire of her 17th century Scottish ancestor, Izzy starts down a dark path to resurrect the man she loves and accidentally killed. Love candle in hand, she visualises Enzo, walking toward her, his body strong and lithe, rather than broken and bloody as she'd last seen him. Having already asked forgiveness for what she'd done, the imagined look on his face was one of love and acceptance. Harnessing that love, she wrapped both hands around the candle and placed it
R 478,86

Ἡ Μετάφρασις τῶν Ἑβδομήκοντα και ἡ Καινη Διαθηκ

The Greek translation of the Hebrew and Aramaic texts commonly known as the Old Testament from the critical text by Henry Barclay Swete based on Codex Vaticanus (B) combined with the Open Greek New Testament version 3 (OGNT) published by Eliran Wong under a CCA-BY-SA 4.0 licence.
R 2 346,65


This is a documented journey, in simple and very personal language, that highlights the fully transformed nature and identity of a born-again Christian. It is also a prophetic declaration of an awakening taking place in the Church to these truths, and the roar across the earth of a bold lion who finally knows who it is.
R 337,20

13 Lessons for Great Leaders

In a world filled with dysfunctional relationships, institutionalized corruption, global threats, destabilized economies, and dire need for purpose and direction, everyone needs to be equipped to thrive and not just survive. The author shares 13 lessons for great leaders because he believes that leadership is key to solving personal and collective problems.
R 371,71

12 Lessons : A Path Forward

As our religion-based society shifts to embrace spirituality, it is driving a global trend called "the rise of the nones." These are people who view themselves as spiritual but do not identify with any organized religion. For those comfortable with their faith, it has spurred an exploration of spiritual practices to incorporate into their lives. I experienced this transition after decades pursuing a deeper spiritual life through a tumultuous relationship with organized religion. The result
R 460,72

14 Days with God

R 450,70

100 Gold Nuggets of Wisdom for Christians to Rise Up

100 Gold Nuggets of Wisdom for Christians to Rise Up by Daniel Flagg. This easy reading book offers simple, yet profound teachings and stories based on Christian principles to empower believers - as well as to awaken lost or lukewarm Christians to "Achieve a Richer, Fuller Christian Life".
R 358,61 : One God for All (Large Print)

' One God for All' reveals God's genuine revelation to the author, Bryan Foster. It occurred in 2016. The key revelation of 14 is that there is only 1 God for all people and religions - forever. Personal background stories and other inspired messages from God inspire the reader on their journey to God.
R 380,58

#Relationshipgoals : Discovering God's Desire and Design for a Relationship with Him

Every day, social media pages are filled with millions of people sharing their desire for a relationship that will bring joy and depth to their life. Maybe you're one of the contributors. But get this: long before the invention of the internet and much closer to the beginning of time, God has been sharing His desire for a relationship with you and me! See for yourself the relational revolution that can happen in your life as you discover God's desire and design for your relationship with Him.
R 275,90

101 Tales of Finding Love Volume Two

In this, the second volume of a triptych of personal stories about how individual souls found their way to Meher Baba, God in human form in our time, Irma Sheppard has collected thirty-six such stories from across the globe. These stories bear witness to the saying that there are as many ways to God as there are human beings.
R 627,65