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Self-Publishing Authors

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Jou lyf is joune

n Praktiese gids tot beter gesondheid. Jou lyf is joune. Vertrou jouself daarmee!
R 136,00 R 160,00


With more than 15 years’ experience with home schooling her own three children, Magda Faul and a friend identified the need amongst young home schooling parents to be encouraged by the stories and testimonies of those who had gone through the mill, so to speak.
R 212,50 R 250,00

Mag van die noodlot

Die verhaal is gebaseer op ware gebeurtenisse. Soppie is ‘n skerpskutter in die Staatsartillerie van die Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek (SAZAR) tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (ABO). Hy soek na vrede en moet baie struikelblokke oorkom. Hy ontmoet Nella voor die oorlog en die noodlot stuur albei se lewens op uiters vreemde paaie.
R 119,00 R 140,00


‘Kruispad’ is ‘n spannings-roman wat geskryf is deur die nuwe opkomende skrywer Willie J. Botes. ‘Kruispad’ beloof om vir die leser ure se genot te verskaf tot aan die einde van die boek. Die leser gaan dit moeilik vind om hierdie boek neer te sit, want dit is vol intriges, raaisels, aksie en romanse.
R 161,50 R 190,00

History of South African cross-country, middle- and long- distrance running and walking 1894 to 2014

History of South Africa Cross-Country, MIddle- and Long Distance Running and Walking - 1894 to 1966.
R 323,00 R 380,00

History of South African cross-country, middle- and long- distrance running and walking 1894 to 2014

History of South Africa Cross-Country, MIddle- and Long Distance Running and Walking - 1967 to 1974.
R 323,00 R 380,00

History of South African cross-country, middle- and long- distrance running and walking 1894 to 2014

History of South Africa Cross-Country, Middle- and Long Distance Running and Walking - 1975 to 1987.
R 357,00 R 420,00

History of South African cross-country, middle- and long- distrance running and walking 1894 to 2014

History of South Africa Cross-Country, Middle- and Long Distance Running and Walking – 2003 to 2014
R 467,50 R 550,00

Huwelik bliss

Voel jy dat jou huwelik se vuurtjie geblus is? Dalk is hy nie heeltemal geblus nie, maar het al oor die jare redelik koud geword. Miskien moet jy weer teruggaan en uitvind hoe God die man en vrou geskep het, en wat Sy eintlike doel met die huwelik is.
R 85,00 R 100,00

How to pray effectively

God's earnest desire is to have a rich, vibrant, and enduring fellowship with His children; but how can we enjoy such communion with all its blessings and benefits if we don't know how to pray effectively?.
R 68,00 R 80,00

How to make your faith work

That's the missing ingredient from the message of faith, which is needed now in the body of Christ.
R 68,00 R 80,00


Operasie Blouwildebees Die Veiligheidspolisie het inligting bekom dat buitelandsopgeleide SWAPO (PLAN)-vryheidsvegters in Mei 1966 die eerste opleidingskamp in Ovamboland gestig het. Manskappe is onder die plaaslike bevolking gewerf.
R 178,50 R 210,00