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Rooted : Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit

An inspiring meditation on the intersection of science, nature, and spirit that shows readers how to deepen their connection to the natural world.
R 327,25

Sounds Wild and Broken

An awe-inspiring exploration of the sounds of the living Earth, and the joys and threats of human music, language and noise. 'A symphony, filled with the music of life .
R 272,00

Positively Green : Everyday Tips to Help the Planet and Calm Climate Anxiety

Positively Green is a guide to caring for the planet - and yourself.
R 221,00

Regenesis : Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet

Farming is the world's greatest cause of environmental destruction - and the one we are least prepared to talk about. We criticise urban sprawl, but farming sprawls across thirty times as much land. We have ploughed, fenced and grazed great tracts of the planet, felling forests, killing wildlife, and poisoning rivers and oceans to feed ourselves. Yet millions still go hungry. Now the food system itself is beginning to falter. But, as George Monbiot shows us in this brilliant, bracingly origin
R 350,00

Survive the Century : a climate story of choice and consequences

A funny, hopeful, science-informed interactive story about the future, where you choose how humans respond to the ravages of climate change up to 2100.
R 1 327,41

South Island Tiny House : Our Journey Moving to New Zealand and Building a Tiny House on Wheels

Back in 2014, my husband and I risked everything to move to New Zealand to start a new life together. A tiny house on wheels was never part of our original plans but I can't imagine what our lives would be like if we hadn't built the South Island Tiny House. Although we didn't know it at the time, our tiny house journey began when we left our hectic lives in Boston with two suitcases each and our passports. But only a few months into our new lives in Christchurch, we were ready to cal
R 141,93

Pete's Pandemic : 100 Days of Isolated Reflection

"Pete's Pandemic" is all of our stories yet none of our stories. It is one man's attempt to understand the new reality caused by the coronavirus. We all have had to come to terms with very different lives. This is Jimmy Tolmie's attempt to manage his stress through humour, reflection, philosophy, reminiscence and current events. At times self-conscious, periodically stream-of-consciousness, occasionally controversial, Jimmy has struggled to find a way out of his stress through the medium of dai
R 602,03

Pete's Pandemic : 100 Days of Isolated Reflection

"Pete's Pandemic" is all of our stories yet none of our stories. It is one man's attempt to understand the new reality caused by the coronavirus. We all have had to come to terms with very different lives. This is Jimmy Tolmie's attempt to manage his stress through humour, reflection, philosophy, reminiscence and current events. At times self-conscious, periodically stream-of-consciousness, occasionally controversial, Jimmy has struggled to find a way out of his stress through the medium of dai
R 813,50

Sunlight on Climate Change : A Heretic's Guide to Global Climate Hysteria

SUNLIGHT ON CLIMATE CHANGE explains in understandable terms the science of how both natural and human-caused global warming work. It describes how expensive and doubtful strategies, adopted by governments to comply with the goals of the Paris Agreement, have caused and will continue to cause increased human emissions of carbon dioxide, contribute to unhealthy air quality and significantly increase food costs for the very poor. It explores why declarations of a climate emergency are based on a p
R 464,07

Simple Living, Off the Grid in Oz

Living off the Grid in Australia includes harvesting, storing and managing solar, water, food etc. I share my experience plus give helpful recipes, hints and tips on how I live a self reliant and self sufficient lifestyle.
R 781,26

Succeeding and Failing in Australian Environment Policy

Australia's environment is troubled. Here's a rare book with (a) the Australian environment policy gist 1970s-now (b) an environment policy insider directly researching her peers' work and (c) succinct studies of their policy successes or failures. It's for environmentalists, general readers, academic or public policy readers.
R 734,16

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Historical Ecology Investigation : Exploring Pattern and Process

This report describes the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Historical Ecology Study, which was conducted to provide foundation information to develop sound large-scale restoration efforts in the Delta. The report documents early 1800s pattern and process in the Delta. Historical habitat type extent and distribution are described, the landscape context explored, and driving hydrological and other physical processes examined.
R 1 895,28