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D.I.Y. & Household Hints

D.I.Y. & Household Hints
3 Items in Grid 4 Items in Grid List

One Year to an Organized Life : A Week-by-Week Mindful Guide to Getting Organized for Good

A comprehensive, week-by-week bible to completely streamline all aspects of your life-now revised & updated for a global pandemic world of working from home and learning to de-stress while you de-clutter.
R 327,25 R 385,00

Manual de iniciacion a la carpinteria y al torneado de madera : Guia para principiantes 3 en 1 con procesos, consejos, tecnicas y proyectos de iniciacion

This is the 3 in 1 book of the DIY Spanish series and contains 3 topics: Woodworking for beginners Wood Joinery for beginners Wood Turning for beginners
R 1 436,01

Manual de Torneado de Madera para Principiantes : Guia paso a paso con herramientas, tecnicas, consejos y proyectos iniciales

Cuando le preguntaron a Rude Osolnik: "Rude, ?como puedo convertirme en un buen tornero?", respondio "Ponte frente al torno". Bueno, !esa es la clave! De todos los oficios de la madera que he practicado, el torneado es el que exige mas paciencia y concentracion. Al empezar, tienes que encontrar tu zona de confort con el torno, los cinceles y otras herramientas. Despues de un tiempo de practica, la mente y el cuerpo se adaptaran al ecosistema del torneado. Como estamos hablando de un torn
R 548,00

Manual de ensamblajeen madera para principiantes : La guia esencial de ensamblaje con herramientas, tecnicas, consejos y proyectos iniciales

"No habria arboles sin ramas, y no habria muebles sin juntas". Aquello que une siempre ha sido especial a traves de las culturas. El ensamblaje de madera tambien ha evolucionado a traves de varias escuelas de carpinteria en sus formas unicas. Por ejemplo, en el ensamblaje japones, toda la casa de madera se construia con la fuerza de las uniones. El ensamblaje se utiliza tanto para conectar la madera como para mejorar la estetica del producto final. Mi travesia: Cuando empece con la ar
R 519,38

The 1,000 Things Projects

How's that relationship between you and your stuff going these days? Do your belongings give you a sense of belonging, or are some of them getting in the way of how you want to live? Does it feel like the things you own are owning you instead? Have your efforts at decluttering begun to feel more like puttering? Maybe it's time for you to move beyond clutter control by doing a 1,000 Things Project. Whether you're moving to a new home, aging with intention, or simply feeling overwhelmed by h
R 571,31

How to Have Beautiful Skin for the Rest of Your Life : The Truth About How to Get Rid of Acne, and Quickly Have Clear Beautiful Skin

Discover what every woman needs to know. "How to Have Beautiful Skin for the Rest of Your Life". A step-by-step eBook to clear your skin complexion naturally. The best beauty tips, advice without toxic and expensive products. Enjoy radiant, younger-looking, flawless skin now. Are you suffering from a bad case of acne? I will tell you everything you need to know about acne without having to spend hundreds of dollars on a doctor's visit. Most people that are sufferi
R 316,62

Marroquineria, Tallado y Pirograbado para Principiantes : Una guiasencilla 3 en 1 para principiantes con procesos, consejos y tecnicassobremarroquineria y manualidadesenmadera

?Buscaspasatiempos que puedan ser tuactividadfavoritaen los tiempos de ocioy que puedanhacerjovenes, mayores y adolescentes por igual? Puespuedesconseguir 3 de ellosen un solo libro: Artesania del cuero Pirograbadoenmadera Tallado Todosnecesitamosunoscuantospasatiempos para desconectar, relajarnos y olvidar las tareasrutinarias y el exceso de tecnologia (Detox Digital). Ademas, ya seas joven, mayor o adolescente, entodos los grupos de edad, estasactividades son necesarias por d
R 549,63

The Lady Farmer Guide to Slow Living : Cultivating Sustainable Simplicity Close to Home

This short, easy-to-digest guide is full of engaging stories, recipes, tips, tricks, and ideas for anyone interested in living more mindfully and harmoniously with themselves and the Earth. Includes three weeks of exercises designed to help the reader make slow living a part of their daily life, no matter where they are.
R 360,60

What My Builder Didn't Tell Me

"A truly memorable time writing this book whilst in New York City attending industry meetings and symposiums." -- Howard Ryan Corporate greed and the slashing of sub-contracting tradie's costs, has caused a major issue in residential construction with the finishing trades and the proposed warranty expectations, which is leading them all to tribunal and court claims more so than ever before. By not understanding and/or acknowledging the wording in your contracts and scopes of works, will
R 654,63

What You Need To Know Before You Start Your Home Construction Project : How to Avoid the Headaches of Construction

A concise workbook on how to plan a small or large construction project from pre-planning to finishing, this well sequenced book gives the reader invaluable insight through the entire construction process. The book systematically walks the reader through and explains each phase, clarifying essential points and highlighting critical phases creating a proper framework to alleviate the headaches and horror stories of home construction. Having basic knowledge of construction practices and its langu
R 462,29

Collins Complete Woodworker's Manual

A completely revised, redesigned and updated edition of the definitive and bestselling woodworker's bible.
R 454,75 R 535,00