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101 Ways to Impact the World

Not everyone's role in global mission is going to involve a cross-cultural move, but it should always involve a cross-carrying sacrifice.
R 477,06

12 Lessons : A Path Forward

As our religion-based society shifts to embrace spirituality, it is driving a global trend called "the rise of the nones." These are people who view themselves as spiritual but do not identify with any organized religion. For those comfortable with their faith, it has spurred an exploration of spiritual practices to incorporate into their lives. I experienced this transition after decades pursuing a deeper spiritual life through a tumultuous relationship with organized religion. The result
R 460,72

101 Tales of Finding Love Volume Two

In this, the second volume of a triptych of personal stories about how individual souls found their way to Meher Baba, God in human form in our time, Irma Sheppard has collected thirty-six such stories from across the globe. These stories bear witness to the saying that there are as many ways to God as there are human beings.
R 627,65

12 sleutels tot geestelike groei

Baie gelowiges verlang na 'n dieper, meer intieme verhouding met God en om geestelik sterker te word. Vier bekende skrywers - Dirkie van der Spuy, Stephan Joubert, Johan Smith en Bennie Mostert - het saamgespan om gelowiges die 12 beginsels van die Skrif te ken wat 'n goddelike, Geesvervulde lewe kenmerk.
R 194,64 R 228,99

1-2 Samuel: A 12-Week Study

R 178,46 R 209,95

1-2 Timothy and Titus: To Guard the Deposit

Offering timely instruction to the local church, Hughes and Chapell teach through three of Paul's pastoral letters. This volume is part of the Preaching the Word series--known for its clear exposition and down-to-earth accessibility.
R 565,21 R 664,95

1-2 Chronicles

R 475,95 R 559,94

12 Challenges Churches Face

Longtime pastor and leading authority on church health, Mark Dever draws from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians to tackle twelve major challenges facing the church today, providing practical ways for individuals and churches to respond biblically.
R 191,20 R 224,94